Our S.T.E.A.M robotic education laboratories are new, designed to create an inspirational atmosphere for students to be change-makers, by placing right tools in their hands, tinkering with our robotic kits and S.T.E.A.M Learning Models, foster collaboration, enhance learning and engender their creative curiosity.
By choosing Scholasys Educational Consultancy as your Applied Learning Programme (ALP) provider, you will be able to enjoy the following services as part of a full one-stop solution
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Applied Learning Programme (ALP) is designed to develop hard skills and competencies in students with regards to robotics, coding, design and computational thinking. Our programme ensures that students build skills and knowledge that will prepare them for a changing world.
Learning coding and programming with SHOLASYS S.T.E.A.M Robotic Laboratory kits is easy and fun. The kits and lesson plans are structured for dictates of the current technological advancement and skills gap. Our Students learn the principle of cause and effect, which is the heart of good decision making, during interaction with our Robotic kits. They connect with day-to-day reality and capable of thinking out solutions to problems. Our package introduces science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics to students in a fun way, through hands-on programming of the robots by students revealing interconnectivity of S.T.E.A.M and everyday living, thus appreciating the subjects better.
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